Space: 1999 - S01E23 - The Testament of Arkadia (1976): 14:20 - 15:59 On the distant planet of Arkadia, a search for signs of intelligent life reveals cave lettering in Sanskrit, the oldest language on Earth, the language of the Vedic civilization of ancient India. Sanskrit is much more sophisticated and logical than any modern Earth language. TV Episode,Clip,Vedic,Hindu (Religion),Vedas (Religious Scriptures),Space: 1999 (TV Series Title),S01E23 (TV Episode Number),The Testament of Arkadia (TV Episode Title),1976 (TV Episode Release Year),Martin Landau (TV Actor),Lisa Harrow (TV Actor),Adventure (TV Genre),Drama (TV Genre),Sci-Fi (TV Genre),yt:cc=on Thanks to Vamsi Vadana Prabhu