Ancient Aliens - S11E05 - The Visionaries: 14:59 - 15:27 David Leavitt (who pronounced Ramanujan correctly) and Robert Clotworthy, the Narrator (who pronounced Ramanujan incorrectly), explain that Ramanujan, one of the world's greatest mathematicians, credited his mathematical genius, not to himself, but to the Hindu goddess, Namagiri, whom he worshiped daily. TV Episode,Clip,Vedic,Hindu (Religion),Vedas (Religious Scriptures),Ancient Aliens (TV Series Title),S11E05 (TV Episode Number),The Visionaries (TV Episode Title),2016 (TV Episode Release Year),David Leavitt (TV Actor),Robert Clotworthy (TV Actor),Documentary (TV Genre),Fantasy (TV Genre),History (TV Genre),yt:cc=on