Ancient Aliens - S01E04 - Closer Encounters (2010) - 4.11 - 4.38 J. Robert Oppenheimer, the "father of the atomic bomb," inaccurately quotes Bhagavad-gita, the most popular of the Vedic scriptures of ancient India. (The actual quote is "Time I am, destroyer of the worlds": Movie,Clip,Vedic,Hindu (Religion),Vedas (Religious Scriptures),Ancient Aliens (TV Series Title),S01E04 (TV Episode Number),Closer Encounters (TV Episode Title),2010 (TV Episode Release Year),Bhagavad-gita (Religious Scripture),Oppenheimer (Scientist),J. Robert Oppenheimer (TV Actor),Documentary (Film Genre),History (Film Genre),Sci-Fi(Film Genre),yt:cc=on